About Suguru Saito

Suguru Saito was born in 1982 in Amagasaki, Hyogo, Japan.
He started out as a landscape photographer, inspired by National Geographic Magazine. Travelling and living in Australia and Asia influenced him deeply. His experiences resulted in a shift of perception and style, being more focused on people, combining a documentary-type approach with reportage observations, and capturing the moment in camera. He was based in London, UK from 2011 to 2014 and then Move back to JAPAN. Now He based in Tokyo JAPAN.

’82年兵庫生れ。大学生の時にNational Geographicに感銘を受けて写真を始める。2004年渡豪、のちアジアを旅し帰国。2005年から2011年まで大阪のphoto studioで勤務。退職後、2011年渡英。2014年帰国。現在東京を拠点に活動。

080 3768 7522
© Suguru Saito,